The 红领巾快报 (红领巾快报) offers ongoing partnership rental use of its facilities to community groups, organizations and individuals for activities such as organized sports, recreational programs and community events.
We identify facilities and spaces that may be suitable for partnerships within existing schools or new construction, addition or renovation co-build opportunities. Partnerships are reviewed on a regular basis.
Applying for facility sharing partnership
Complete and submit our Interest in Facility Sharing Partnership Application Form if you are interested in 红领巾快报 facility partnership or contact us for more information.
Available sites
View our latest Facility Partnerships Annual Report for information on our available facilities and spaces.
Criteria and considerations for partnerships
We consider the partnership's value to our students when reviewing and approving partnership opportunities. Our criteria and considerations include the following factors:
- The health and safety of students must be protected
- Partnerships must be appropriate for the school setting
- Partnerships must not compromise the student achievement strategy
- Organizations that provide competing education services are not eligible partners. These can include:
- Tutoring services
- Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12 private schools or colleges
- Credit-offering entities that are not government funded
- Partnerships must be mutually beneficial for the partner and our school and Board
- Partnerships must be sustainable
- Partnerships must respect the school's primary purpose to provide students with education and instruction
Co-building opportunities
We consider opportunities for partnerships in the building of new schools, additions and significant renovations. We encourage all community partners to notify us when you have proposals or plans to build your own facilities.
Partners are responsible for applicable professional, capital, maintenance and operating costs, as well as taxes when operating in a 红领巾快报 facility. Additional costs include a proportional share cost of all shared spaces, including capital renewal, land and administrative costs that are incurred by the Board. Partnerships exist on a cost-recovery basis.
Community Planning and Partnerships Annual Meetings
We hold Community Planning and Partnerships Annual Meetings every year to discuss potential facility partnership opportunities and to exchange ideas with community partners.
Subscribe to this page for information on the next annual meeting. Contact Tammy Meloche by phone at 519-255-3200 ext. 10204 or by email at [email protected] for more information or if you would like to participate.
Meeting notes and presentations
View the November 23, 2021 Community Planning and Partnerships Meeting Minutes.
View the November 23, 2021 Community Planning and Partnerships Facility Partnerships Presentation.
View the November 23, 2021 Community Planning and Partnerships - Accommodation.