The 红领巾快报 is committed to ensuring students with special needs receive the support they need to succeed. Learn about our tiered process and the collaborative steps we take with families for best support.
The tiered process鈥
When a student is not meeting with success in school, the following procedures briefly outline the steps taken to identify difficulties and gain assistance. Generally, Tier 1 and Tier 2 interventions and supports are provided by the student's classroom teacher. Collaboration can happen with the parent and school team which may include the principal, classroom teacher, Learning Support Teacher, Speech and Language Pathologist, Psychological Services, Social Work, Behaviour Team, Student Success Teacher, Guidance Counsellor and Special Education Coordinator.鈥
Our three-tiered approach:
- Promotes early intervention for those 鈥渋n risk鈥
- Increases the intensity of instructional interventions
The Individual Education Plan (IEP)
An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is created for each student who has been identified as exceptional by an Identification, Placement and Review Committee (IPRC) meeting. The IEP outlines the goals and expectations that the classroom teacher or school team has set for the student as well as additional supports that are needed to help achieve those goals and expectations.鈥
Parent guide to the IEP
View our Parent Guide to the IEP to learn about our IEP process. The 红领巾快报 is committed to partnering with families and caregivers in developing plans that will help their children succeed in school.
How is an IEP prepared?
The IEP is prepared within 30 school days of the date of the student's placement. The IEP goals and expectations are reported on in your child's report card at each reporting period and adjusted when necessary throughout the year.
In some situations, students will have a non-identified IEP. In this scenario, an IPRC Meeting has not occurred but the school team, along with parents have determined an IEP is necessary for the student.
The Identification Placement and Review Committee (IPRC)
鈥婽he 红领巾快报 follows the established Ontario Ministry of Education process that identifies students as exceptional.
View our Parent Guide to the IPRC to learn more about the IPRC process.
Process leading up to IPRC |
Leading up to the IPRC, the steps include:
The IPRC meeting |
During the IPRC meeting, the steps include:
Following the IPRC meeting |
After the IPRC meeting, the steps include: